An Intuitive Quantum Alchemy session is the love child of a traditional counseling session, a psychic reading, energy healing, and much more. Sessions are a combination of all of my certifications for mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual healing. I hold space for you, your feelings, and your challenges.
Using my highly attuned intuitive abilities, I can see any programs, agreements, patterns, bindings, or cords locked into your energetic field, body, or consciousness that keep you stuck in an endless loop.
However, unlike in a traditional intuitive or psychic reading, I don’t just give you the information and send you on your way. I read the energetic patterns you are creating; we engage in deep and thoughtful discussion of what is pulling your energy and creations out of alignment and how you can move forward with confidence. I create the safe space you need to consider your past, present, and future with clarity and compassion. I listen, ask questions, and respond to your needs as the session unfolds. I provide intuitive insight and guide you to your soulfull revelations.
During your session, we work together as a team to help you progress significantly in your understanding, clarity, and confidence. Your realizations, questions, and impulses shape your session so that you get the exact energy & information you need.
* Chameice will not energetically read information for anyone other than the client unless it directly affects the client and their timelines. Reading private information about others without explicit permission violates their personal energetic boundaries.
* If you purchase a session for someone other than yourself, you must have their permission, and all session correspondence must be sent directly to the client. We will not send session recordings to anyone other than the client to protect their privacy unless given permission from the client.
* Remote Sessions are completed energetically. Remote Sessions are not recorded

“You shall become the master of your own destiny.
Let me guide you to the light that shines within!”
“You shall become the master of your own destiny.
Let me guide you to the light that shines within!”
An Intuitive Quantum Alchemist recognizes there is a pattern in all our lives. Through careful and balanced reading of this pattern, certain areas of weaknesses can either be avoided or overcome, and certain areas of strength can be fully capitalized upon, expanded, and used to the best possible advantage. Far from telling a person their fortune as though it were cast in stone, the science of intuition identifies life trends and cycles with the purpose of enabling the individual to live his or her life more successfully and with greater fulfillment.
Many people find that one Intuitive Quantum Alchemy session is more effective than years of traditional counseling or talk therapy in terms of helping them overcome blocks, get unstuck, and make significant progress toward creating a life that really resonates with them.
The reason for this is that I connect directly to your energetic fields and higher self to find out the information you most need in order to move forward on your path. Your higher self knows exactly where you are, where you want to be, and how to help you get from point A to point B. I’m particularly adept at relaying the guidance in the best possible way for you to take full advantage of it!
You can ask about anything you want to during your session. Popular topics include career, relationships, finances, life purpose, health, and spirituality.
Are you ready to take the first step into building the life of your dreams?

I connect directly to your energetic fields and higher self to find out the information you most need in order to move forward on your path. Your higher self knows exactly where you are, where you want to be, and how to help you get from point A to point B. I’m particularly adept at relaying the guidance in the best possible way for you to take full advantage of it!
You can ask about anything you want to during your session. Popular topics include career, relationships, finances, life purpose, health, and spirituality. I read your energy to determine what processes will be required to achieve complete soul sovereignty based on your current level of limitation/sovereignty.

Are you ready to commit to Living on Purpose with Passion while Thriving every single day?
If you screamed a big "YES' or held that "YES" inside out of fear...this is the place for you!
If you screamed a big "Yes", bravo! You are ready and primed to jump in and soar! Depending on if you are just starting this journey or are ready to level up your current trajectory, we have something perfect to fit exactly where you are in the Thrive journey. Check out our progressive membership levels in Club Thrive to discover which will support your journey to grow your Thrive tempo.
If you held your "YES" inside out of fear of your dreams being too big, not feeling safe speaking your dreams into creation, or your voice has become smaller due to holding back your truth for too long, the Lightwalker course is a great start to get those vocal cords moving to speak your desires into creation while releasing the fear that holds you back!
Just had my first session with Chameice, and she is INCREDIBLE!
I highly recommend her to everyone. So gifted, so able to tune into things right off … and fast. Clearings, insight … it’s all there in a snap.
(no year-long therapy, thank you!)
Cathy R - Happivize